Accommodation for your film crew in just a few clicks

With over 40 film crews welcomed each year, we have acquired serious experience in accommodating film crews. Our establishments are well adapted to the specificities of your industry and our 150 establishments right across France and Corsica will allow you to find accommodation close to your filming locations at prices adapted to your budgets.

Request a quote for your film shoot

    Request a quote for your made to measure event

    Your film shoot

    Your stay

    Your event

    Catering :

    Room occupation :

    Your contact details

    * Obligatory fields


    Evenements & Groupes, your partner for the organisation of your turnkey film shootings

    Your film shoot,
    our expertise

    A dedicated contact

    Personalised and adapted service to fit your requirements

    An A-Z service to achieve a made-to-measure film shoot

    A team of over 1500 staff to accompany you day by day

    Take a look at our residences for your film shoot

    Request a quote

    Discover our recent residences hosting film crews

    Please contact us by telephone +33 (0)6 48 20 03 17